Notepad++ 8.7.4 favorite text editor

The new version 8.7.4 of our favorite word processor Notepad + + just released.

It is our favorite application for the Windows environment, as it can replace default editor Notepad text of its operating system , offering more features, useful for developers.

notepad plus x2

The Notepad + + ή PlusPlus add-on is a powerful text editor that offers much more features compared to Windows Notepad, although Microsoft has recently added some new features to the default text editor Notepad (without ++) in recent versions of Windows 10-11.

Notepad++ v8.7.4 new features & bug-fixes:

  1. Fix regression of -line tabbar height not updated after closing . (Fix #15905)
  2. Fix the extension defined by user not override language default . (Fix #8035, #8304, #10609, #15826)
  3. Fix encoding of nfo file cannot be changed bug. (Fix #8823, #9153, #13905)

Read what the new version brings from the official website and…

download the application. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by newsbot

Although the press releases will be from very select to rarely, I said to go ... because sometimes the authors are hiding.

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