The February Patch Tuesday will be in March

Microsoft confirmed that security updates (Patch ) this month will be delayed and that they will take place in March due to a last minute bug.

Initially, Microsoft announced that it had decided to delay the release of Patch Tuesday due to issues it did not want to disclose, and although some believed that all patches would be released next Tuesday, the he probably has other plans.
Patch Tuesday

Microsoft is reportedly releasing all updates to the next Patch Tuesday that will take place on March 14.

“We will be rolling out updates as part of the scheduled of March on Tuesday, March 14, 2017,” the company said today, without providing any other information about what went wrong.

“Our first is to provide the best possible experience for our customers in maintaining and protecting their systems. This month, we discovered an issue at the last minute that could affect some customers and was not resolved in time for our scheduled upgrade. After considering all options, we have made the decision to delay this month's updates. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this change," Microsoft said in the initial announcement.

Let's mention that the delay of Patch Tuesday until March of 2017 means that the company's systems will be vulnerable to SMB (zero-day) vulnerability whose exploit has already been posted on the Internet.

In accordance with US-CERT, the SMB flaw is already being exploited by cybercriminals, and there is no effective solution that protects 100 percent.

Without a patch from Microsoft, the they will remain vulnerable for another month. Experts suggest blocking outgoing SMB connections (on TCP ports 139 and 445 and UDP ports 137 and 138) from the local WAN as a temporary security measure. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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