PopCorn Time Community Edition 0.3.9 Beta

Popcorn Time is an application that simply refuses to leave the Internet. The community has managed to keep the application operational, and ongoing growth as demonstrated by the new release beta released.Popcorn Time Community Edition

A few weeks ago, two developers of the original Popcorn Time app were tracked down, and forced to stop development. After a while the official it stopped working along with the Popcorn Time app. But remember that it is an open application , and anyone can have access to the source code.

So it didn't take long for the community to organize and manage to release the first Popcorn Time Community Edition. reacted immediately, and those hosting the application were forced to stop their domains.

But the implementation is now in an .AG domain, again-finding her way out into the open . Of course no one knows until when….

The community is mostly organized through of Reddit, and updates a specific post constantly, with the latest fixes and information.

Popcorn Time Community Edition still has many problems, and requires constant growth.

The new version that is currently available is 3.9 Beta, and you can download it from the links below

0.3.9 Beta

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PopcornTimeCEYIFY-Linux32.tar.xz | how to install PopcornTimeCEYIFY-Linux64.tar.xz | how to install

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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