Check out this article for four warning signs that your Windows Master Boot Record is about to let you down.
The Master Boot Record is one of the vital parts of the Windows operating system and there are certain things that you should look out for to know that it is having a problem.
The ability to recognize the signs of a malfunctioning computer is an essential skill for any Windows user. The symptoms of a problematic or damaged Master Boot Record can be difficult to accurately diagnose if you don't know what to look for.
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What is Master Boot Record?
The Master Boot Record, often referred to as MBR, is the first sector of a bootable storage device. It contains a record of any partitions and information about the operating system for the boot process.
It also includes software that prompts the rest of the operating system to load.
When you press the power button on your computer, the BIOS software starts. The BIOS detects and executes the MBR, which completes the boot process.
In short, without MBR, your Windows PC would not be able to start.
What can cause MBR to fail?
Many things can cause problems with the MBR. You are more likely to experience one of the following errors on an older computer, where the cause may be a damaged or worn hard drive.
That is not to say that even the new SSDs are infallible and you are not at risk.
There are also some types of malware that can change or even erase the Master Boot Record. When it comes to malware, the worst case scenario is ransomware, like Petya.
Regardless of the cause, the signs and error messages you see should tell you what's going on if you know how to translate them.
Signs that your MBR is problematic or corrupted
If your MBR has problems or is corrupted, your computer is unlikely to boot into Windows. But since failure to boot the operating system can be caused by other things too, check out the most common error messages that appear if the problem is the MBR.
1 – Invalid partition table
One of the most common causes of the “Invalid Partition Table” error message is a faulty or damaged MBR. It can also occur when the boot sequence is set incorrectly or if two or more partitions are set as active.
2 – No bootable devices found
“No Bootable Devices Found”. This is another common sign that the Master Boot Record is corrupted. It can also be stated as “No bootable media found” or “No bootable media found”. If you see this error message and you are sure that your basic hard drive is installed correctly, the cause is probably the MBR.
3 – Error loading operating system
"Operating System Loading Error". If this error persists after rebooting, it is almost always a sign of MBR failure or corruption. As explained above, the MBR is required to load the operating system. If it fails, the operating system will fail as well.
4 – A black screen without any prompt
If when you try to boot you end up with a black screen with no message, the first thing you should look for a solution is the Master Boot Record. The lack of an error message can be confusing. If you can successfully boot into BIOS then the MBR is the cause as it is the next step.
MBR can be fixed
The sudden inability to start your computer can cause an understandable panic. Fortunately, a problematic or damaged MBR, if you know how, will not force you to format your disk.
While fixing the Master Boot Record is not always a quick process, it can be accomplished by following logical steps.
If your Windows computer won't start and you see one of the messages or signs listed here, the read our guide on fixing the Master Boot Record in Windows should be your next step.
In conclusion
The Master Boot Record is an integral part of your Windows system. If it fails or gets damaged, you may suddenly be unable to load Windows.
While this can be very worrying, as long as you can accurately diagnose the problem, there are ways to fix it.