Cause BSOD with keyboard shortcut

Most users of δεν εύχονται να δουν την μπλε οθόνη θανάτου (blue screen of death) καθώς το BSOD συχνά υποδεικνύει μια κρίσιμη αποτυχία συστήματος που προκαλείται από ελαττωματικά drivers, harware problems, malware, bad of Windows and various others such as updates from Microsoft itself.

Windows 10 May 2020 Update BSODs attention

But below we will see how you can cause BSOD with the keyboard.

A keyboard shortcut can trigger the blue screen of death from the user: hold down the key Ctrl and press Scroll Lock twice.

Your system will crash and all your unsaved data will be gone. The shortcut exists so that developers can see how their software behaves in the event of a system failure. So they can gather dump files for further improvement and development of their application.

scroll lock

Some developers thought that keyboard shortcut was too much work, so they tried to write a simple application to automate the process with the “magic key”.

Two keystrokes can indeed be overkill when one needs to automate testing. Microsoft has a handy tool called Not My Fault (part of the suite SysInternals), which may cause otherwise the, sticking or leaks. You can use it to test stack crashes, buffer overflows, high IRQL and more.

Of course there are bad tactics, such as killing the winlogon.exe process, but such approaches can cause problems and report non-existent errors.

You can read more on how to get stuck correctly Windows in Raymond's publication “The Old New Thing” The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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