Attention ELECTRONIC DELIVERY of documents from What you must do

With a new bill from the Ministry of Digital Government, a presumption of consent has been imposed on the ELECTRONIC DELIVERY of documents without the knowledge of each of us.

From any citizen will be deemed to have received knowledge of anything just because he did not go through the relevant platform to declare that he does not want to receive documents that would normally need service.

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If you do not want it, you should proceed immediately and cancel it from the National Contact Register (E.M.Ep.) (valid until 31.12.2024).

Open the link
You can enter with Taxis codes.

Select the item “I was informed about personal character" and so on.

It appears with your contact information and at the bottom of the page, disable:


ii. I declare that I wish the public administration bodies to deliver/notify me administrative acts or other public documents issued without my request electronically

Press NO and then Finalize.

You will be sent a code with SMS to your mobile phone for confirmation. You add him and press Confirm. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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George Kanellakis

Written by George Kanellakis

Youth of several decades that even in my 110 years I will live with modern ideas but old Principles

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