Quick Share for Windows 1.0.2034.4 by Google

For Quick Share users on Windows, Google recently released version 1.0.2034.4. This is the first update since Quick Share became available for Windows on ARM, supporting devices like those powered by the Snapdragon X Elite chip. This update adds the Quick Share logo to app animations, fixes an issue with URLs not sorting correctly, and more.


  • Added an option to change the visibility settings from the icon in the notification area.
  • Added Quick Share logo to app animations.
  • Fixed an issue where URLs were being categorized as text instead of links.
  • Fixed an issue preventing it from being created για το Quick Share στην ενότητα Όλες οι εφαρμογές του μενού after installing the app.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a delay in launching the app after signing in to your Windows account.

If you're not familiar with Quick Share, it's basically Google's version of Apple's AirDrop. It started as Nearby Share it , allowing you to send files, photos and more via Bluetooth or WiFi. Then in January 2024, after partnering with Samsung, it became the Quick Share we know today.

Before the app was converted, the file sharing ecosystem in it was fragmented, with Google running Nearby Share and Samsung running Quick Share for Galaxy devices. The conversion helped simplify things and avoid confusing users.

When it first launched, Nearby Share was limited to Android devices, leaving out all other platforms operation. Over time, however, Google expanded its service to include other platforms, such as Chromebooks or 64-bit Windows devices.

macOS is not currently supported, although rumors suggest that Google is preparing to bring Quick Share to the platform. As for Linux users, there is currently no native support. You will need to use third-party alternatives such as Localsend, to transfer files between your Linux computer and other devices on your network.



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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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