Radar records image of the Moon with the highest resolution

The moon is not that far from the earth, if you consider the distance of the earth from other planets. However, downloading high-resolution images of the Moon's surface from Earth has always been a challenge, even with modern equipment.

A team of researchers created a prototype radar system that captured the highest resolution image of the Moon ever taken from Earth. The technology could pave the way for a new observing system that could study planets, moons and asteroids in the Solar System.

moon club

The prototype, created by a "team of scientists and engineers using the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) and the National Science Foundation's Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA)" and has the creation of a "next-generation high-power planetary radar system" for the Green Bank Telescope.

The original is already in and was used for par “some of the highest resolution planetary that have ever been recorded by radar from Earth".

It uses a low-power transmitter that operates “with an output power of up to 700 watts at 13,9 GHz”. The research team tested it by targeting the surface of the moon.

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory's 25-meter VLBA antennas captured an image of the Moon's Tycho crater captured using the technology with 5-meter resolution.

Work on the main system has already started. It will have nearly 1000 times the power output and several times the waveform bandwidth of the original. The flagship system will be a 500 kilowatt planetary radar for the Green Bank Observatory using the VLBA and the future Next Generation Very Large Array as receivers.

The researchers believe that once the system is operational, it will become the first line of planetary defense, as it will be "capable of detecting, tracking and characterizing potentially hazardous objects" that could fall with Earth.

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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