Removing an image of the Windows 10 sign-in screen without third-party tools

Many users of they are not happy with the new login screen of their operating system. For those who don't know, the login screen of the ows 10, displays the “Windows 10 Hero” icon in blue with rays of light coming from the Windows logo. windows 10 hero

The new operating system does not have an option to remove it in Settings, and so we tried to remove it in an unorthodox way.

To disable the connector screen image in Windows 10, without using third-party tools, you should do the following:

Open Registry Editor. (Win + R and in the box you will see enter regedit, and then enter)
Follow the route:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ System

There you will have to create a new one 32-bit DWORD that you will name DisableLogonBackgroundImage.
Set this value to 1.

You will need to restart Window 10 to see if the image appears on the login screen.

The image on the sign-in screen may be reset as soon as you clear the DisableLogonBackgroundImage value and restart your computer. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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