16th Retro Computer & Console Exhibition from RetroComputers.gr

Η του RetroComputers.gr θα πραγματοποιήσει την 16η έκθεση ρετρό υπολογιστών & κονσολών στις 19 και 20 Δεκεμβρίου at the facilities of the Moraitis School in Psychiko.

The exhibition will be open from 10 to 9m and the entrance will be free to the public.RetroComputers

The exhibition will include a part of the history of computers and game machines, with old computers and consoles from the 1970 decade to about 2000, but also various other extras / peripherals associated with the subject of the exhibition.

There will also be a competition at Gran Turismo 2 on SONY on Sunday with a gift of a Neo Geo Pocket Color (+game: Turf Masters Big Tournament Golf) but also smaller symbolic gifts for the second and third winners.

Exhibitors are not eligible to participate in the competition.

There will also be several speeches and events on various topics, such as a tribute to 30 years of Mario with Nintendo stuff, a tribute to 30 years of Amiga and various other topics.

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Written by Dimitris

Dimitris hates on Mondays .....

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