Rohos Logon Key Free (v5.2): This is a secure authentication solution that turns any USB drive into a security token for your computer. In short it allows access to Windows in a secure way via a USB, replacing the Windows connection method.
Security Benefits:
- Replaces Windows password connection with a USB token (USB flash drive or memory card)
- It uses a very large password that you do not need to remember
- USB connection is completely automatic and fast!
- The system is password protected, but you don't have to enter it manually every time you log on to Windows
- Restrict access to the computer by USB only
- Assigning a password to your account allows you to set a better protection for a computer that is in hibernation.
The Rohos Logon Key application uses NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) approved data security principles:
The password is not stored on the USB key in plain text.
Copy protection on USB prevents the creation of unauthorized duplicate keys.
All data on the USB key is encrypted with AES-256.
On the download page above, you will also find installation instructions. ___________________
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