The founder of the online drug market Silk Road, Ross Ulbricht, was convicted in federal court in USA to billions for life without the right of appeal.
Ulbricht also heard several other convictions.
One of them reported losing 184 from 187 million dollars that he won from his website two years ago.
Ulbricht was convicted of: drug trafficking in the internetwork, conspiracy for drug trafficking, hacking, money laundering, and running a criminal enterprise that netted him $1.200 billion in Bitcoins.
This sentence exceeds the mandatory minimum of 20 years for the above crimes, despite the defendant's apology and appeal for leniency.
Recall that under the pseudonym Dread Pirate Roberts, Ulbright was the Admin του Silk Rοad από το 2011 until the 2013. Silk Road was an online drug market hosted on DarkNet.
Ulbricht's lawyer said he would appeal.