SHAME makes it easy to upload, download, preview and manage files through the proletterof your browsing. You share archives κάποιου project με συνεργάυες, φιλοξενείτε content multimedia or just need a quick way to transfer files between your devices, SHAME provides a beautiful and intuitive solution that works seamlessly and easily.
It's perfect for developers, content creators, and anyone who needs to share files seamlessly. SHAME combines the simplicity of a binary with the power of modern web technologies. No complex setup required, no dependencies required, no accounts required – just run the binary and start sharing files.
What's new in version 1.0.2s
🔐 Disposable file links: Create disposable links that are automatically destroyed after use
🌐 Cloudflare Integration: Secure HTTPS access with dynamic funneling
🛡️ Read-only mode: Added choice to run the server also in read-only mode
🔒 Improved security: Improved access controls and file handling
The binary is available for Windows, Mac and Linux. Will find it here along with the scripts needed to install it on each platform.
Windows installation
Copy – paste in PowerShell:
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))Mac (Apple Silicon & Intel) and Linux
Copy – paste in the terminal:
curl -L | sh
Run shame: