siduction 2024.1.0 the easy Debian Sid

Ferdinand Thommes announced the release of siduction 2024.1.0, the new stable of its distribution ' which is based on “Sid” (“unstable” branch). Comes with KDE Plasma, LXQt and Xfce:

“The siduction team is very proud to present an unscheduled release for a special occasion. Debian, whose "unstable" branch we've been following for over 20 years, and we think it's worth every penny . Debian is the second oldest distribution after Slackware, and it's entirely supported by the community, with no company behind the scenes or someone at the top deciding where things are going.”

"Debian is considered a "universal operating system ” because of the many architectures they support and the stability of their releases is legendary. The flavors we offer for siduction 2024.1.0 are KDE Plasma, LXQt 2.1.0-1, Xfce 4.20, Xorg, and noX. GNOME, MATE, and Cinnamon failed again this time because there is no maintainer in the pipeline for them.”

Read them release notes.

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Written by newsbot

Although the press releases will be from very select to rarely, I said to go ... because sometimes the authors are hiding.

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