Solus GNOME 2017.04.18

Solus is a Linux distribution built from scratch. Uses a forked PiSi package manager, referred to as "eopkg" in Solus, and a custom desktop environment called "Budgie", originally developed for distribution only.

The Budgie desktop mimics the look and feel of the GNOME desktop 2. Distribution is only available for 64 bit computers. In general, the distribution has impressive graphics and according to other reviews the Budgie desktop is particularly beautiful and functional.solus

I tried the distribution in the Gnome flavor, as previously when I tried Budgie it was impossible to switch languages ​​in the traditional way using Alt+Shift. Searching in the I found out that many people had this problem, and the developer of the project was not that interested in this particular change.

So since you can not teach an old dog new tricks, I decided that distribution is not for me.

Yesterday I saw the Gnome version and decided to try again, as with Gnome I never had a problem with the shortcuts. I did not install the distribution, but I passed the ISO to a USB and I tested the Live Edition. Yes the shortcut was there ..

As for the Live environment, it was not stable. There were a lot of cracks, Firefox closed alone as I was writing this publication, and then it did not open. They tried to open the terminal to stop the ghost process, but the terminal did not open. I tried to open the System Monitor graphic to stop the process from there, again without luck.

I do not want to offend the distribution as I did not install it, but the Live Edition was awful.

Package management is done by a Solus application called eopkg, as I mentioned above, and it has its own repository . Είναι παρόμοιο με το dpkg του Debian με apt και φαίνεται αρκετά εύκολο στη χρήση. Μπορείτε να εγκαταστήσετε εύκολα εφαρμογές με την εντολή eopkg install application-name. The Solus repository is full of popular apps that are always on the latest version by the way.

The distribution also has a graphical Software Center similar to the Ubuntu Software Center or GNOME Software.

As I mentioned above, I do not want to offend the distribution, because despite all the difficulties I've encountered in the Live Edition, all the reviews I've read about Solus show it as a very impressive and credible project.

But I'm thinking of waiting for a while before I install it properly. If you want to do it earlier, here is the link for ISO:

You will find the distribution in Budgie, GNOME and The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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