Sophos security breach due to error

The security company, from the United Kingdom, informed her customers via email about a security breach she suffered earlier in the week.

"On November 24, 2020, Sophos was notified of a licensing issue σε ένα εργαλείο που to store information from customers who have contacted Sophos Support," the company said in an email sent to its customers.

Exposed information included details such as customer name and surname, email addresses and telephone numbers (if provided).

A Sophos spokesman confirmed the messages and told ZDNet that a "small subset" of the company's customers were affected, but did not give an approximate number.

Sophos said it learned of the incorrect settings from a security researcher and immediately corrected the issue.

"At Sophos, privacy and customer safety are always our number one priority. We communicate with all affected customers. In addition, we are implementing additional measures to ensure that access licensing arrangements are consistently secure. ”

This is the second major security incident faced by Sophos this year. In April, a team discovered that a 0day was being used on the wall s Sophos XG to breach companies around the world. The attackers developed the Asnarok and once it was publicly revealed, they tried to run ransomware, but failed. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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