LG stops production of Blu-ray players

LG stops making devices according to Blu-ray and UHD Blu-ray marking the end of an era. Limited units last while supplies last.

iso dvd

LG has discontinued all Blu-ray players, including players Blu-ray UBK80 and UBK90 UHD, while the remaining units are only available while stocks last.

The official website of LG which was about Blu-Rays now redirecting to TVs. Looks like LG is following the trend as well which shows that the optical disc is slowly dying, as well as Oppo in 2018 and Samsung in 2019 exiting the manufacturing of optical discs.

There are now only old models available in some regions such as America and Europe, and those only while stocks last. Those looking to buy a blu-ray player can still get players from Sony, Panasonic, Philips and Pioneer, although many of the products have seen a new model five or more years ago.

LG hasn't released any new optical disc players since 2018, when it introduced the UBK80 and UBK90 UHD Blu-ray players. The same goes for other big brands like Panasonic and Sony. In short, there are no young people from 2018.

LG's exit from making optical disc players is not surprising, as sales have been slowly declining for years, and after Sony and Microsoft's decisions to disc optional accessory for PlayStation 5 and Xbox consoles X.

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Written by Dimitris

Dimitris hates on Mondays .....

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