The Startpage he said on September 28, 2019 in its official blog that Privacy One Group Ltd invested in The announcement said that the relationship between the two groups began in January 2019 and that Startpage will continue to offer "quality, unbiased search results, respecting privacy and will never store consumer data".
There is very little information on the Privacy One Group Ltd. on the Internet. Doing a search does not return significant results and most of the information available online has been published after the Startpage announcement.
Startpage does not indicate in the press release that Privacy One Group Ltd belongs to System1.
But a search for System1 returns more information. The company operates in London and is an advertising company.
At System1 we use behavioral sciences and marketing to help brand names and marketers achieve profitable growth without losing a single bit. Our systems produce results, not just information, and our solutions are based on quick and simple decisions people make every day.
In short, an advertising agency, System1, also has a separate unit focused on the privacy of users (Group One Privacy Group). This unit has therefore acquired a percentage of participation in the Startpage search engine.
Of course this move raises a lot of questions, at least for those interested in privacy. What will Privacy One Group Ltd do? How much control will Startpage's original owners have over the company and its decision-making processes? The System1 that is behind it all what will win;
However, delete Startpage from its listings when it tried to get answers. This means that the service is no longer recommending Startpage, although it said in a statement it issued that there was no evidence that Startpage violated privacy policies, but that the decision was based on a series of unanswered questions and the behavior of Startpage when asked. .
Specifically, PrivacyTools wants to find out:
- Percentage of System1 / Privacy One Group Ltd acquired by Surfboard Holding BV
- The current participation rate from System1.
- More information on Privacy One Group Ltd such as corporate structure, country of registration and operation.
- Flow charts showing what data is shared with external organizations.
Do you use Startrage?
- The term privacy does not cover any user on the internet!
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