Streisand Effect in videos cut from YouTube

The Streisand Effect refers to when someone tries to withhold information, only to have the opposite effect.

How did the term "Streisand Effect" begin?

That's it , Barbara Streisand had taken legal action against photographer Kenneth Antelman and the website hoping to prevent the release of an aerial photo of her home. What he managed to do was get the fire and let everyone see the photo in question.

The same happened with one by Kosmas Marinakis, Professor of Economics (Senior Lecturer of Economics at the Management University) and creator of Greekonomics.

The video referring to triangular transactions and the relationship of power, banks and media was downloaded by Greekonomics on YouTube, not because it was downloaded by Google.
Marinakis claims that he received threats and that he downloaded it himself.

It all started after the video below

The original video, the one downloaded by Marinakis, started to go viral, since we know that what goes online stays there. This particular video was (and is) stored in the Internet Archive. Since its deletion, however, the whole world has been dealing with it, promoting it and promoting it like there's no tomorrow.

The result was exactly the opposite of what some sought. If they didn't ask for the video to be deleted, fewer people would see it.

As for the video, it makes an opinion without evidence, damn it. What I personally didn't like at all is the advertising it contains.

Edited 23-12-2024: Because we get messages reacting to "expresses an opinion without evidence" we are referring to evidence that can stand in a . The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...


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  1. We may have the same opinion, but the way? I think the cursing and the rest of the bowling that you are trying to do is unfair to you and I think that not even Kosmas would want a fanatic as a defender..

    • We may have the same opinion, but the way? I think the cursing and the rest of the bowling that you are trying to do is unfair to you and I think that not even Kosmas would want a fanatic as a defender..

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