Subtitle Edit 4.0.9 Everything about subtitles

Subtitle Edit is a very good freeware subtitle editor, open source, that practically does everything.

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With Subtitle Edit, you can create your own subtitles, edit or sync old subtitles, extract subtitles from a video even in Greek with audio to text, translate existing subtitles to another language, compare subtitles, embed or separate subtitles from a video, and much more.

In short, you can do it all and it's considered an essential tool by those involved in pirate subtitling, and overall it's a program worth looking into a little more.

About Subtitle Edit

The Subtitle Edit program allows you to don't work in a dull and unwelcoming text program, but in a better organized and more interactive environment.

The program has a highly functional interface, where you can see the subtitles (regular and translated), the movie, and the audio playing simultaneously in a graphical waveform.

The program is free, open source and receives very frequent updates from its manufacturer. His official website is here and you can download it from here. Today's version is 4.0.9.

You can run it on Windows and on Linux (in the portable version). On Windows you can choose between the installed version or the Portable version.

The use of the Greek language is supported in the program's menus and dialogue boxes.

Features and functions

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Subtitle Edit can display the contents of a subtitle file line by line, giving you the ability to intervene and make a multitude of settings. It supports over 25 subtitle file types and can convert them from one file type to another.

In addition to opening a subtitle file, it can import subtitles directly from a DVD or from matroska-style files with embedded subtitles. It also works with Tesseract optical character reader (OCR) to import non-ascii subtitles, such as sub/idx or .sup found on Blu-ray discs.

You can set the start, end and display duration of each subtitle line. With the help of the Wave form control you can have a visual representation of the sound of the dialogues, to precisely adjust their appearance.

In addition it can play the movie for it subtitles using the DirectShow filter or , if it is installed on your computer.

An extremely useful feature of it is the translation of subtitles. This can be done either manually, line by line, or automatically through Google Translate or LibreTranslate, My memory translate, Papago (does not have Greek), Translate, ChatGPT, DeepL (the last three require an API).

In addition, it offers the possibility of spell checking, so that you can correct the mistakes that may be present in the subtitle files that you are editing.

Finally, it can extract subtitles from any video, even in the Greek language, through the audio-to-text function.

In our tests it managed to render the Greek, although it was quite popular, just fine, and then translate it into English, despite the idioms they contained.

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Also in our tests, it managed to fully render the lyrics of the song Mishale by Andru Donalds, but also of "Feel It Still" by Portugal.The Man, even though the voice was accompanied by music and indeed singers, with dragging of the words etc. . The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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