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Tag Archives: 2007
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Norway: the first country to close analog FM radio
Facebook app for personal data exploitation
Cepheus: The Perfect Poker Player who also knows bluffing
600 million computers are waiting for Windows 10
700 + Euros spent the Greeks on their smartphones over the past seven years
Format using commands in Windows 8 to completely delete data
Internet of Things: Who is the Man?
Health risks from Wi-Fi networks
Crowdstrike China's Army continues online espionage
Al-Qaeda is changing encryption software
DCRS Wireless Charging System for Electrical Appliances
The era of 20 dollars smartphones comes
Who puts it with Google?
BYOD is already here! What is the next step
The hidden virtues of Outlook
Sony has reached 7 million PlayStation 4 sales
Happy Gmail, a little history
Hoax - Girl shipwrecked on a desert island, saved with Google Earth after 2 years
Will Snowden make the world with the new laws? Do you honestly believe it?
Google invades internet real estate
The crisis in Ukraine is expanding into cyberspace
Artificial graphene signed by Greek physicist
Investing 1,2 billions of dollars from IBM in the cloud
RIP iPod
5G networks are expected to bring more than revolution in today's everyday life
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