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Tag Archives: Associated Press
Associated Press
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Associated Press: many hundreds of Pentagon UFO reports
Manual monitoring tool used by the authorities
The US Department of State controls social media for a visa
Google: Automatically clear search & location history
Snopes: finally working with Facebook
Anak Krakatau before and after: the first pictures
Facebook and Snopes collaborate on fake news, but…
Excessive radiation in Fukushima destroyed cleaning robots
Yahoo: Not only is it irresponsible but does not let you go
Galaxy Note 7 with limited battery capacity at 60%
Wanted by the FBI: The Syrian Electronic Army's revelation
Associated Press at the FBI
OPM Finally, 21 leaked millions of social security numbers
Internet Blackout throughout North Korea
Hacking on mailservers of the State Department - the communication is done with Gmail
1,5 Millions of People on the US Terrorist List
What happens to online bills after death
European Court of Justice obliges Google to delete personal data
Attacks of Anonymous at the Police Department
Black Box: How does it work?
Satoshi Nakamoto denies that he is the creator of Bitcoin
Offline the famous Mt.Gox exchange page
Amount of mammoths bought WhatsApp from Facebook
Facebook added a third gender and not only
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