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World's first gene therapy for a form of deafness
Facebook Libra: France doesn't want it in Europe
Facebook: hundreds of millions of phone numbers online
Facebook: the emails you don't want to read
Facebook will pay 5 for two dollars for the Cambridge Analytica scandal
Bitcoin consumes energy like Switzerland
Facebook Libra: Three questions for Facebook
Zuckerberg: splitting Facebook will not help
Secret Crush: New Feature on Facebook Dating
Internet: is ill and the situation will worsen
Facebook: Increase in users and earnings despite scandals
Privacy International: Facebook is watching you & without an account
Facebook an emergency and hate relationship
Facebook Portal + Portal + when success shows sheep
App on Facebook tried to do last?
Facebook: best to apologize for permission
Gmail Confidential Mode: How Do I Use It?
Google Drive changes design to match Gmail
Google: Demo Policies
Cambridge Analytica filed for bankruptcy
Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook history clearance
Facebook: We have the social network that we deserve
CLOUD: the law that passed under the table & concerns us all
Facebook: also uses data from Super Market membership cards
Facebook How prevents abuse of the platform
Faceblock: abstain from Facebook, WhatsApp & Instagram for 24 hours
Facebook References to the Greek Data Protection Authority
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