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Tag Archives: gadgets
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Mobile and holidays: 4 things you will need!
Spy Museum with KGB gadgets in New York
Fake News Using AI: When the CIA leaves behind the spies
ESET: Tips for Safe Gadgets on Summer Holidays
KiloCore the first processor with 1000 cores
Six apps and gadgets that will help you sleep
13 Strange of the Internet
Machines reading emotions from 2016
Google adds HTTPS Support to Blogger
HBO invented a boxing glove with a sensor to measure the punch speed
Agbogbloshie where computers die
Wireless transmission of electricity through the air
PayPal: How does a global phenomenon work in Greece?
MIT created the first robot zipper
Ten high-tec gadgets for your kitchen
The upcoming iPhone could have an environment mapping system
Internet of Things: Who is the Man?
How to print your own Drone
Download Free 8GadgetPack 11 for Windows 8 / 8.1
SunMod Solar Hacking Kit: charge devices that use batteries with the sun
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