Tails Project: Tails 6.3 anonymity on the internet

That's it live OS released Tails 6.3, a live operating system that runs from any computer without leaving traces on the machine or on the media.

This particular operating Tails was used by her former employee NSA Edward Snowden to stay hidden on the internet.

To use Tails, stop your computer, and start the anonymous OS from one instead of starting with Windows, macOS, or . This is how you turn your computer into a very secure machine. You'll be safe even if you're using someone else's computer.

What's new;

This version is based on Debian Bookworm, and contains important security updates. That is why it would be good to inform immediately.

Download v6.3


BitTorrent https://tails.net/torrents/files/

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Written by newsbot

Although the press releases will be from very select to rarely, I said to go ... because sometimes the authors are hiding.

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