The end of Firefox; Linux Foundation with Google, Microsoft for Chromium

The , along with Google, Microsoft, Meta and Opera, announced the creation of new Supporters of browsers based on (Supporters of Chromium-Based Browsers). As the name suggests, this has been built to support open source Chromium browsers so they can continue to receive the necessary e.g, financial or in some other form.

The initiative was taken by the Linux Foundation in collaboration with Google and later joined by Microsoft, Meta and Opera.

In its press release, the Linux Foundation states:

The Supporters of Chromium-Based Browsers will provide a neutral space where industry leaders, academia, developers, and the broader open source community can collaborate to support projects in the Chromium ecosystem. By fostering collaboration, the initiative aims to remove barriers to innovation, expand adoption, and ensure that projects within the Chromium ecosystem receive the resources they need to thrive.

The Chromium projects themselves will remain under the current, existing governance structures, while only Supporters of Chromium-Based Browsers will be housed in the Linux Foundation.

In a post at of Chromium, Google he explains why she chose the Linux Foundation to manage the project, as well as her thoughts on the whole thing, citing a million dollar cost needed just for maintenance.

The Chromium-based Browser Support fund will be managed by the Linux Foundation, following its longstanding practices of open governance, prioritizing transparency, and community-driven development. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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