Top 5 websites to learn online and free Python

Python is one of the best general purpose languages. Entire sites like Instagram, Reddit and Mozilla have been built into it. It is also used in data analysis, cloud infrastructure & DevOps and many other applications. Simplicity, clear syntax and short codes define Python as a high-level language.


For those who want to either practice their Python knowledge or learn it from the beginning, we have compiled a list of the best online Python course sites available. absolutely free.


The official website of the Python Software Foundation is also one of the richest sites for free information. On this site you can find clarifications on anything that may seem new and unfamiliar to you. If you are a student using a hard-to-understand book, will serve as the essential aid to understanding all the concepts. It can also be great if you are preparing for an exam.

Some sub-sites are worth checking out, such as standard library functions, the Python Wiki and one extension module for C / C ++ users. The wiki is also a great resource to avoid novice mistakes.

2. SoloLearn

If you prefer a modular course environment, the SoloLearn offers an amazing, step-by-step learning approach for beginners. You must first register on the website. All new concepts are introduced repeatedly and are based on the previous lessons of the unit. There are quizzes at the end of each section. In fact, if you are a beginner, it might be best to start your Python journey with SoloLearn. Once you understand the basic concepts, it will be easier to understand and study the official Python website.

3. TechBeamers

The TechBeamers gains our attention thanks to a comprehensive collection of concepts aimed at beginners. Unlike the previous example, this e-learning website offers more than just tutorials. It has advanced coverage of concepts such as multithreading and Python MongoDB and many code examples. Because of its blog-like interface, TechBeamers is recommended if you want to learn basic to intermediate Python without having to sign up anywhere.


The It is not only a website for Python, but also hosts a collection of various courses on it (free and paid). There are sixty-seven free Python courses so you can easily find the one that suits your needs. Many of these courses are for advanced students, but there are also for beginners. In addition to Python, you can also take Python-related courses such as Django framework, machine learning and data analysis.

5. Real Python

If you want to learn Python for free without having to read boring bulky books, Real Python is the best and only online source. You do not need to sign up for the site, but it may be helpful to sign up for new blog posts. All topics are organized methodically and with detailed, step-by-step explanations. You can easily use them on your Python console.

The most useful part of the site is a search function where you can quickly find lessons on any topic of your choice. In the image below we have some great results for DevOps.

Whether you want to do web development, machine learning, cloud computing or data analytics, this site contains everything about Python.

If any of the above sites with free online Python courses satisfy you and you fully attend all its learning seminars, then we have as a bonus a website with competitions to see "what fish do you catch".

Bonus Website -

Nothing solidifies knowledge other than examining and testing your performance in an unfamiliar environment. If you have taken a Python course from the above learning sites, you should join There are Python-based multi-level puzzles, and you can test your knowledge against the best developers. The website offers challenges and also has a table with the results of the exams, which for some may be an additional motivation.

In conclusion
As a beginner to Python or as a developer looking to expand beyond C / C ++, there are many learning sites. Before you turn to paid courses or tutoring and if you have enough time and patience, the free sites listed here offer plenty of material from which you can learn everything about Python. The Best Technology Site in Greecegns

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Written by Dimitris

Dimitris hates on Mondays .....

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