Trend Micro Anti-Threat Toolkit (ATTK) is a security toolkit for malware analysis and cleaning of infected computers.
Use the Trend Micro Anti-Threat Toolkit (ATTK) to perform system scans and clean up the following infections:
- General malware infection
- Master boot record Infection
- CIDOX / RODNIX infection
- Rootkit infection
- Zbot infection
- Cryptolocker infection
To scan your computer you need to download a small file depending on your system. Just click on "Clean infected computers".
The Anti-Threat Toolbox (ATTK) can be used on computers online and offline. Download the right package for your system: whether your computer is connected to the Internet (offline) or not (offline).
For instructions on how to use the tool, read the company article:
Using the Trend Micro Anti-Threat Toolkit to analyze malware issues and clean infections.
Download the package you are interested in