Tresorit Send: Send your files for free to 5GB

Tresorit Send is a new free file upload solution recently launched by Tresorit as a beta version that lets you send your files anywhere up to 5 GB.


Tresorit is known for its paid services in encrypted synchronization and file sharing solutions for businesses and individuals. It is now launching a free beta service, Tresorit Send, which is a file-sharing solution that uses end-to-end encryption to prevent unauthorized access to shared data even by Tresorit itself.

The service supports files up to 5 Gigabytes in size. All you have to do is visit the “Send” page on the Tresorit website and click on the “Add your files” link to get started.

To get started you will be asked to enter an email address and make some (optional) changes before sending. The selected files are then uploaded to the service.

The email address you are initially asked for gives you control over the files you have uploaded. It is theoretically possible to use an invalid email address to share files, but you will not receive a notification email with options for retrieving your files.

Tresorit Send has a limit of 100 files and the maximum size of all files should not exceed 5 Gigabytes at a time. Shared files can be downloaded up to ten times before the links expire automatically or after 7 days. There is no option to reset the number of downloads or extend the sharing period.

The "Protect link with password" option that you see before sending your files is optional and allows you to add a password to the link and also by sending me an email at link openings ”(Email me at link openings) you will receive information when a recipient opens the link.

By clicking on "Create secure link" the service encrypts the selected files on the local system and uploads the encrypted files to the cloud.

The Tresorit Send reports: “We apply symmetric keys and an AES-256 encryption algorithm to encrypt data downloaded to the cloud. The secure link contains the key for decryption on the part of the recipient. "This key is never disclosed by us, which means that only you and the recipients of the connection can decrypt the files."

The process can take a while, depending on the size of the files, the performance of the device you are using, and the loading speed of your computer. At the end a link is created that contains the key to decrypt the files. You can copy it to the clipboard to share it manually with the recipients or instead use the built-in email sharing options.

You can access your files for up to 7 days or 10 times, whichever comes first. They will be deleted from the server when one of the two restrictions is met. Options for modifying these prices are not provided to free users, as they are intended solely for commercial customers.

In conclusion
Tresorit Send now does the same as other similar services (for example wetransfer etc), it promises that only the people uploading the file and the recipients receiving the email connection will have access to the shared files. The data is stored on Microsoft Azure servers in Ireland and the Netherlands, according to Tresorit. All data associated with a shared file, including stored content and metadata, such as email address, is deleted 14 days after the links expire. The Best Technology Site in Greecegns

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Written by Dimitris

Dimitris hates on Mondays .....

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