Ufficio Zero 11.2 for those coming from Windows

Ufficio Zero is a GNU/Linux distribution born in Italy and distributed since April 16, 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. It will help you to have a computer completely for personal use or as workstations.screenshot10 1

Ufficio Zero presents itself as a tool apparently free of copyright restrictions, free, full-featured and easy to understand, friendly to everyone coming from Windows or macOS.

Some basic information of Office Zero Linux:

Ufficio Zero is a Linux distribution based on the Xubuntu LTS (long term support) release. It has a custom Xfce environment (guess what it looks like) along with several powerful productivity suites such as LibreOffice, LibreCAD, several cloud clients, Firefox and Thunderbird.uzl11

It is available for 32-bit and 64-bit computer systems.

The Ufficio Zero team also created a bare metal live solution only for 64-bit machines. This version of Duplica contains several tools for cloning and restoring hard disk images as well as malware scanning.

Ufficio Zero winks at ordinary users and professionals who are used to Windows but are exasperated by Microsoft's costs, problems and aggressive commercial policies.

That's why version 11 of Ufficio Zero will receive support and updates until 2028, while it is very similar to that of Windows 11.

Different versions

  • Ufficio Zero Linux codename 11 for PC with 32 bit processors with Windows like Look&Feel, based on LMDE6 and with Cinnamon desktop manager
  • Ufficio Zero Linux codename 11 for PC with 64 bit processors with Windows like Look&Feel, based on Linux 21.x and with Cinnamon desktop manager
  • Ufficio Zero Linux codename 10 Plus for PC with 32/64 bit processors with Windows like Look&Feel, based on LMDE6 and with Mate desktop manager
  • Ufficio Zero Linux codename Cagliari for PC with 64bit processors, based on PCLinuxOS and with KDE5 desktop manager
  • Ufficio Zero Linux codename Tropea for PC with 64bit processors, based on Linux Mint 20.x and with Mate desktop manager
  • Ufficio Zero Linux codename Portofino for PC with 32bit processors, based on Devuan 4 Chimaera and with Mate desktop manager

Coming from Windows?

In this case, it is recommended to use Ufficio Zero Linux 11.x or Ufficio Zero Linux 10 Plus 64bit or 32bit, it depends on your hardware and how many resources it has available.

The 10Plus version has a similar look and feel to the , while version 11 has a similar look and feel to Windows 11. Alternatively, you can download another version, but we advise you to check the end-of-support information on the website first





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