Running or Uptime on Windows 10 is the length of time your operating system has been running since its last start.
Unlike Linux / Unix, Windows 10 does not have a native uptime command. In Windows 10, you can view their running time in a variety of ways: from Task Manager, command line, or PowerShell. Let's look at all of these methods.
Check Windows 10 Uptime using the Task Manager
You can check the current value of the Windows 10 runtime from the GUI. To do this, use it Task Manager.
1. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc at the same time to open the Task Manager.
2. Click the "Performance" tab.
The current uptime value appears below and slightly to the left of the window, where it says "Running time" (in this example, the computer runs continuously for 2 days, 20 hours and 9 minutes).
Display your computer's Uptime using CMD
To view the running time of a computer from the command line, you can use one of the following methods.
Open a window of it command line as an administrator and execute the command:
systeminfo | FIND “System Boot Time”
The command should return the following answer:
system Boot Time: date, time
You can also view the running time of Windows 10 by using the built-in statistics of any system service that runs without interruption from startup. These are usually server or workstation services. For example:
net statistics workstation | find “Statistics since”
Another way to get Windows 10 uptime is via WMI. Use the standard command:
wmic path Win32_OperatingSystem get LastBootUpTime
How to view the running time of Windows 10 using PowerShell
Now let's look at some ways to get rid of 10 windows uptime via PowerShell.
First of all you can use WMI again:
Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object LastBootUpTime
Or you can get the latest OS start date in a more convenient way by:
$ wmi = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem $ wmi.ConvertToDateTime ($ wmi.LastBootUpTime)
If you like precision, then another way is:
(get-date) - (gcim Win32_OperatingSystem) .LastBootUpTime
In us the computer is not shut down for:
Days: 11
Hours: 14
Minutes: 465
Seconds: 17
Milliseconds: 901
Ticks (Nano-seconds): 10035779011244
TotalDays (11,6154849667176)
TotalHours (Total Hours): 278,771639201222
TotalMinutes (X minutes): 16726,2983520733
TotalSeconds: 1003577,9011244
TotalMilliSeconds (X milliseconds): 1003577901,1244
Finally, you can use the event viewer, where the 6005 event represents the startup of your computer. You can view it from the Windows event viewer itself, but you can use the following Powershell command:
Get-WinEvent -ProviderName EventLog | Where-Object {$ _. Id -eq 6005} | Select-Object -First 1 TimeCreated