US police train dogs to find hard drives

The police forces at εκπαιδεύουν τα ειδικά σκυλιά Κ9 να εντοπίζουν κρυμμένες μονάδες σκληρών δίσκων (hard drives), και να κρίνουμε από την επιτυχία της And maybe this program will be expanded in the coming future.

sniffing-dogs drives

Last August, a Labrador with Bear helped the Indiana State Police discover a hidden hard drive in the home of Jared Fogle, where the researchers found in it video and photographs used as evidence and led Fogle to prison in the category of pedophilia.

Following this success, police officers in Texas are training a second dog, named Brody, to be able to sniff out the special glues used only for the hard drives. Brody can sniff hard drives, USBs , thumb drives, and tiny SD cards, which may be hidden in a suspect's home.

"We have found that there were safe storage devices under the floor of the house," said Ryan Gable, a policeman at Konstabl for KHOU.

Of course, dogs can also be used in other illegal acts. If the police have to locate hard drives that store various data about the suspect's activity, such as in cases of financial fraud, organized crime, and so on. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by Dimitris

Dimitris hates on Mondays .....

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