Use the PrtScn key to enable Screen Sketch in Windows 10

The 10 build 1809 ( October 2018) allow you to set the PrtScn key to activate Screen Sketch, i.e. the – cut off s.


The option - Screen Sketch, came to Windows with version 17661 (Redstone 5). But its activation via the PrtScn key just came with the much-needed October 2018 version, 1809. So you can take advantage of a key that is useless to you and set it as a shortcut Screen Sketch activation. Note that this setting will not stop the ability to instantly save your entire screen by simultaneously pressing Win + PrtScn. See how:

The setting can be made via a switch from the settings. This option is disabled by default.
1. Open the Settings application.
2. Go to Easy Access -> Keyboard.
3. On the right, scroll down to the “Shortcut screen". Enable the option “Use PrtScn button for screenshot mode”.

This option can be turned off later if you change your mind. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by Dimitris

Dimitris hates on Mondays .....

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