Belgium is the first EU country to ban e-cigarettes

Belgium became the first EU country which banned the sale of steam appliances disposable vaping kit in an effort to prevent young people from becoming addicted to nicotine and protect the environment.

The sale of single-use e-cigarettes has been banned in Belgium for health and environmental reasons since January 1. On the same day, the ban on smoking outdoors in Milan came into force, as the of the EU are discussing stricter controls on tobacco.

Announcing the ban last year, Belgium's health minister, Frank Vandenbroucke, described e-cigarettes as an "extremely harmful" which harms society and the environment.

"Disposable e-cigarettes are a new product designed simply to attract new consumers," it said .

“E-cigarettes often contain nicotine. Nicotine makes you addicted which is bad for your health.”

Let's see what those who support this genre have to say now. And don't forget, behind each (which supports the specific species) there is also a financier…. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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