Vivaldi 6.1 released with Bing Chat

Vivaldi Technologies has released a new update for its browser. Version 6.1 is available and brings some improvements, along with support for the Cat.

live browser

So far, Microsoft's AI-powered search service was only available in Microsoft Edge, but now Vivaldi users can also have in Bing Chat.

According to the developers, making Bing Chat exclusive to Edge is as simple as a change to the “User-Agent”. So Vivaldi 6.1 can emulate Edge to access services restricted by other browsers, such as Bing Chat.

Another change in Vivaldi 6.1 is improvements to the functionality of Workspaces. Users can now rearrange the Workspaces they use according to their needs and preferencesyou them.

Finally, Vivaldi 6.1 brings a better guide to show new users some of the basic features and unique features of the browser.

You can download Vivaldi 6.1 from the official website. The program is available for Windows, , Linux και Android. Μια έκδοση για iOS είναι επίσης στα σκαριά, αλλά αυτή τη στιγμή βρίσκεται σε στάδιο . The full release notes for Vivaldi 6.1 are available on the official Vivaldi's blog. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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