W10Privacy NO on Windows 10/11 Telemetry

The W10Privacy app promises to help you stop collecting data and sending it to its servers , from / 11.

The app development team has released the updated version which supports data blocking on systems upgraded to new builds.w10privacy

Η fixes all the app's tools, as the development team found that in some cases, they weren't working as they should.

The application is very convenient for anyone who does not want to leave data from their computers. Of course, Microsoft does not like such applications, it does not recommend them and says they could have dramatic effects on system performance.

According to Redmond, some features may stop working properly, such as new operating system updates.

If you are one of those for whom Microsoft does not "bake" you or you consider your security more important than an immediate one s, you can download the application from the following link:


current version: v.
Windows 11 / Windows 10 / / Windows 7

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Written by newsbot

Although the press releases will be from very select to rarely, I said to go ... because sometimes the authors are hiding.

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