Watch an online cancer surgery in virtual reality

A UK hospital hopes to become the first to virtually stream a cancer surgery online ( reality).

Medical-Realities virtual

14 April and 16: 00 (Greek time), Barts Hospital, and Mativision and Medical Realities will transmit an online cancer surgery, giving viewers the opportunity to explore the surgery as if they were really there.

If you want to see the surgery all you need is to go to their website, where at the time of writing there was a clock counting down to the zero hour of the rebroadcast. There you can download either the simple smartphone application without the use of virtual reality or the application for of Google. The team recommends using Google Cardboard to get a full one Virtual Reality visualization, but you can simply use the program as well you.

Dr. , who will lead the surgical team, has again livestreamed surgery through Glass in 2014. He is an advocate of using these types of technology for global medical education.

The patient who has agreed to the public transmission of the surgery has colon cancer, is 70 years old and states excited about the event. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by Dimitris

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