Windows 11-10 enable Ultimate Performance

Windows 11 supports several power modes by default to allow users to adjust device power consumption.

By default, only a few power modes are available: balanced, energy saving and high performance or balanced, saver, and high .

Let's look at the differences:

Balanced: tries to balance performance and power consumption.
Power: attempts to save energy by reducing efficiency, and
High performance: improves performance, but may require more energy.

What Microsoft doesn't tell users is that Windows 11 supports more power features. However, they are not displayed by default and should be enabled by administrators.

One of these modes of operation is the Performance. This feature is only available by default on Windows 11 Pro for Workstations systems. But it can be activated on other systems as well.

What is he doing:

Ultimate Performance: ensures maximum performance on high-tech computers

Tip: you can activate the Ultimate power plan and on .

How to enable Ultimate Performance mode in Windows 11

Use the Windows-X keyboard shortcut to open the secret menu.

Open Terminal from the menu and type the following command

powercfg -duplicatescheme e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61

Press Enter.

The command will add the Ultimate power plan to your operating system. No system reboot required. Now you can select it normally:

In search type Power, and open power options.
Select Ultimate Performance in the window that opens. (you may need to select “hide additional plans” to see it)

You can change your power plan whenever you want. Simply select a different plan using the Power Options menu.

Don't expect massive performance after enabling Ultimate Performance, but it's worth a try. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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