Windows 11 24H2 new problems in File Explorer

Have you ever used the full-screen mode? in File Explorer and noticed that the address bar is overlapped with ? Well, yes, this is another error of the 11. Simply open File Explorer, press F11 to go to full screen mode, and you will see the content 11 24h2 update

While this bug does not significantly affect functionality, it does block access to overlay content, especially icons and Gallery.

Microsoft confirmed a fix for this bug in Beta Channel version for Windows 11 23H2 from November 2024, but updates are not released yet. We expect the changes to roll out gradually to the Beta channel. This will also apply to Windows 11 24H2.

Other upcoming fixes:

An issue where typing a path into the address bar does not work.
Right click on cloud faster and smoother.
Improved how thumbnails for cloud files are displayed in File Explorer search results.
Fixed an issue that caused File Explorer to crash when creating new folders in some places.

If you have noticed these issues with Windows 11 24H2, they will be updated soon.

Let's mention that File Explorer errors in Windows 11 are frustrating, but they don't affect the overall functionality. Microsoft has confirmed fixes for many of these, and we'll see them in upcoming security updates.

The first Windows 11 security update of 2025 will begin rolling out on January 14. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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