Windows 11 and 10 new Outlook by force (what can I do?)

Microsoft will start automatically installing the new Outlook on Windows 10 with the optional January 2025 update. Then it will automatically install with the mandatory February 2025 update.

In accordance with support document, Microsoft will not allow you to block the new Outlook. You can remove it later, but don't be surprised if it installs automatically.

We had reported the removal of the Mail and Calendar app and the presence of the new Outlook app on Windows 10 and 11 PCs. The preview of the app was already available for a year.

The new Outlook app will also be automatically installed on Windows 10 PCs. It's a decision by Microsoft, which assumes that you or your organization needs the new Outlook app. It will initially be released with the optional update on January 28, 2025.

If you ignore the optional update to delay the inevitable, the app will be installed on your computers with the mandatory next month on February 11, 2025. There is no way to avoid installing the app – at least according to Microsoft's official update.

Windows 11 will have the same type of installation of the default Outlook app and there is no way to prevent it. Of course you can remove it with one cmdlet but also prevent a future installation from the registry.

How to remove the new Outlook app via PowerShell

Once the app is installed on your computer, open a PowerShell as administrator and run the following command:

Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -AllUsers – -PackageName (Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.OutlookForWindows).PackageFullName

Along with this, you will need to add a new one in the registry to block the application from being installed with future Windows updates.

Open the Registry Editor (regedit in the search) and follow the path:


Right click on the right part of it and select New > Value (New > String). Name it BlockedOobeUpdaters and add “MS_Outlook” to the Value Data field.

Click OK and exit the registry editor.

For consumer edition users, use the following PowerShell command:

Remove-AppxPackage -AllUsers -Package (Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.OutlookForWindows).PackageFullName The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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