Windows 11 market share decreased in November 2024

Statcounter published its latest findings for November 2024, showing that the market of υποχώρησε λίγο, μετά από αρκετούς διαδοχικούς μήνες σταθερής ανόδου. Τα 10, από την άλλη, αύξησαν ανάλογα το μερίδιο αγοράς τους.

Statcounter says Windows 11 currently has about 34,94% market share, which is down 0,64 points in a month. With her to only have two supported versions of Windows, Windows 11's declining market share means only one thing: Windows 10 is moving up. In November 2024, Windows 10 rose to 61,83%, up 0,88 points.

In terms of year-over-year adoption, Windows 11 increased its market share from 26,63% in November 2023 to 34,94% in November 2024 (+8,31 points). In November 2023, Windows 10 was at 68,02% and compared to last year, it lost 6,19 percentage points.

Here's how the Windows market is doing right now:

Windows 10: 61,83% (+0,88 percentage points)
Windows 11: 34,94% (-0,64 percentage points)
Windows 7: 2,47% (-0,15 percentage points)
Windows 8.1: 0,31% (none )
Windows XP: 0,25% (-0,03 percentage points)

With the end of support for Windows 10 coming in about ten months, a market share of more than 61% seems quite worrying for the company, which is trying to push Windows 11 in every way possible.

We have seen already that to speed up the transition to Windows 11, Microsoft is targeting Windows 10 users with very annoying full-screen ads.

The company on the other hand seems to understand that not everyone can do it at this time, and offers the choice an additional year of security updates for $ 30. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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