Windows 11 runs with 184 MB of RAM

The απαιτούν τουλάχιστον 4 GB μνήμη RAM για την of the operating system. Having only 4 GB as system memory is very difficult these days ( and if you open only one on your browser). Of course there are still some who have 11 24h2 update

NTDEV, the developer of the project tiny11 (a modified lightweight Windows 11 image that is very resource-friendly), posted a video on YouTube showing Windows 11 24H2 running on a virtual machine that has 184MB of RAM.

Of course, the project only starts in safe mode and is very slow. However, the operating system runs basic things and to some extent, even multitasks. Like working with Notepad side-by-side with File Explorer with less than 200MB of RAM?


Windows 11 running on 22 times less than the minimum RAM isn't the first weird project from NTDEV. Earlier, he showed us Windows 11 24H2 LTSC build running from a DVD with the help of LZX. He was also able to (force) run Windows 11 on the iPhone 15 Pro and created a modified version that only requires 3GB of disk space. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

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