2024 looks to be an interesting year for the next generation of Windows. Until very recently, most of the tech world seemed to have almost total faith in the idea that the next generation of Windows, casually referred to by the community as “Windows 12", will be released this year.
But this was based on an earlier rumor that Microsoft would be re-adopting the three-year Windows release.
According to one new report from Windows Central, Windows “12” may not be released this year as a result of the departure of Windows and Surface head Panos Panay.
“Many are predicting that Microsoft will end up calling this update “Windows 12” given how it is expected to roll out next-generation AI computing and new experiences. However, this is just a rumor and my sources say it is unlikely now that former Windows head Panos Panay has left the company."
Instead, the upcoming release will likely be on Windows 11 24H2, which could come sometime in September.
According to my sources, Microsoft is targeting a September release for the 24H2 version, and expects to finalize it by summer. I'm told that Microsoft plans to market this version as an AI-centric version, which coincides with the next generation of AI computers that Microsoft has already announced will be released in 2024.
So Windows 11 24H2 looks like it will be a major upcoming release unlike 23H2 which was a simple activation package (EKB) on top of 22H2.
In summary, it looks like the first generation of AI PCs could be released with Windows 11, while future AI PCs will come with Windows “12”. These rumors give the sense that perhaps Microsoft itself is not entirely sure how to proceed with the next generation of AI Windows.