Now all you have to do is remember Yahoo! your email address, even if you have been using it for years. Please do not laugh… then the CEO of Yahoo! she was Marissa meyer.
The company's customers can finally receive some compensation for exposing their personal information to hackers not one, not two, not three or four, but five times between 2012 and 2016.
The proposed $ 117,5 million settlement was finally approved by a judge. So millions of customers received an email this week describing what they need to do to be able to get their hands on some money.
There is good news and bad news:
The good news is that if you had a Yahoo! mail between 2012 and 2016 you are entitled to "up to 358.80 dollars".
The bad news is that not only do you have to fill out a form to get them, you also have to remember Yahoo! that you have been using for years, but if you have not monitored your credit card transactions (credit monitoring), you are not going to get a cent.
Even if you had credit monitoring and filled out the form, you probably won't be able to get all of the $ 358. The data leaked was from 196 million people in five separate security breaches, which equates to about 60 cents each. But because there will be many who will not deal with crumbs, there are reports that say that if you just fill out the form you will receive at least $ 100. We'll see.
This is Yahoo !, nothing is so easy and nothing is a given.
Guess who wins?
However, a team is flying in the clouds, and this is, of course, the team of lawyers. They are asking for 25,5 percent for their salary, which in simple mathematics means 30 million dollars. And if you think the amount is high, the judge agrees with you: Judge Lucy Koh refused to accept last year's agreement because the lawyers wanted $ 35 million.
If you can stand it, if you can remember Yahoo! your email, you had credit monitoring, and are willing to go into more detail, visit the page of the company to claim your reward.
Yahoo !, we will not miss you.