YUM 4: The YUM tool is based on DNF technology. From today was updated in 4 and is tentatively released for the CentOS Linux 7 – x86_64 distribution. The limited checks already done on the new version do not indicate significant problems.
But the developers have put it in for testing to find out if it can run without problems in existing YUM 3 installations.
YUM 4 provides significant improvements, such as faster dependency analyzes and a stable, and fairly good documented API. Developers report that they have made every effort to maintain the YUM 3 functionality and improve it.
The functions yum 4's new install, uninstall, and update are identical to those of yum 4. However, there are changes, such as some yum utility additions, available from `dnf-plugins-core`.
Some of the options in yum CLI have changed, and some of them are working automatically.
"I found an error, what should I do?"
Report any detected bugs at Red Hat Bugzilla under the Fedora / dnf component (make sure to mention the versions that useste, packages and CentOS).
# yum install centos-release-yum4
# yum --enablerepo=centos-yum4-testing install yum4
# yum4 --enablerepo=centos-yum4-testing install dnf-plugins-core
"I was using DNF from EPEL, what can I do?"
Similar to the above installation: enable the repository and update it. YUM 4 is based on a newer version of DNF and needs to be updated correctly.
# yum install centos-release-yum4
# yum --enablerepo=centos-yum4-testing update
NOTE: the test repository packages are not signed.