AnonCoders Team: Spent over 23.000 Twitter accounts

According to their post, at Wikipedia, the hacktivist group AnonCoders supports Muslims around the world. The majority of their targets to date have been against Israel, the US, the and more generally to governments that provoke in Muslim countries.anoncoders2

The AnonCoders team contacted us to let us know that they were able to get more than 23.000 Twitter accounts, apparently violating third-party applications, which they did not mention.

Her reason s was to broadcast it that "no system is safe, and nothing is impossible."

"Attack is a small gift to the US for 4 in July," say activists and continue:

“We Have Seen Thousands Of People That Are Brainwashed By Their Governor To Hate Islam And To Offend It. Most Of The Leaked Data Are Anti-Muslim People And Pro-Israel Ones. ”

Here are the photos they sent us which we have edited so that they are not displayed tokens.


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Written by Dimitris

Dimitris hates on Mondays .....

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