AI or Artificial Intelligence and the end of computing as we know it: We are approaching the day when the displays they won't need us anymore. At least this is what she claims Accenture, which states in a recent publication that the rise of AI makes technology a new supplier of UI and UX (1).
Advances such as autonomous vehicles and voice-activated home assistants are just the early examples, suggesting that more computation without screen looms on the horizon.
Αυτό φυσικά θα έχει συνέπειες στον τρόπο λειτουργίας στα υπολογιστικά συστήματα ιδιωτών και επιχειρήσεων. Ήδη υπάρχουν πάρα πολλές συζητήσεις που αναφέρουν τη χρήση συνδεδεμένων εργαλείων και φορητών συσκευών στο χώρο work που εξυπηρετούν την αύξηση των καθηκόντων των εργαζομένων.
The editors of the report make three predictions:
"In five years, more than half of your customers will choose your services based on your AI instead of your traditional brand."
"In seven years, most interfaces will have no screen and will be integrated into day-to-day operations."
“In 10 years, digital assistants will be so pervasive that they will keep workers productive 24/7/365, operating in the background for workplace interactions such as creation of video summaries after an important meeting”.
In the survey, 79% of executives agree that AI will help accelerate adoption of technology across all of their services. In addition, 85% says it will invest heavily in Al-related technologies over the next three years.
The Accenture publication lists a prime example of where AI will first enter UI and UX business: it naturally mentions voice-activated systems.
"Advances in natural language processing and learning machines make the technology more intuitive to use. The technology allows virtual assistants to schedule a meeting, create an event and type in the details.”
“AI already has a variety of roles throughout the user experience. At the simplest level, it cleans the content για τους ανθρώπους, όπως η κινητή application Spotify that recommends new music based on previous listening choices. In a more important role, AI applies machine learning to guide actions toward a better outcome.”
The top ones suppliers techies want AI as the future of computer interfaces (UI):
"from Salesforce EinsteinAt Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services, and to Google Cloud Platform. ” There are also open source AI platforms available from TensorFlow of Google to the platform Intel Trusted Analytics. Το Caffe, ένα deep learning framework που αναπτύχθηκε στο Πανεπιστήμιο της Californias, Berkeley, and formed the basis of the project Deep Dream that Google released in 2016 to show how their artificial neural networks perceive them pictures. "
"The combination of "intuitive, natural interactions and the immediate availability of tools open code paves the way for big changes across all interfaces,” adds the Accenture team.
Accenture describes the actions that need to be undertaken by companies that want to explore AI UX applications:
"Take existing communication channels and determine how they can be made smarter - using inspiration from other successful interfaces or voice interface applications."
"Observe every customer-employee interaction and wonder how they can improve through AI."
"See the new interfaces beyond the screen and think about how new channels can enable multidimensional chats."
- User interface and User experience ie User Interface and User Experience (UI and UX)