Apple Vision Pro is a Virtual Reality Headset. It recently appeared in stores in America and promises a personal cinema and easy screen navigation at the touch of a finger.
The new apple product however, it has a price tag that will surely disappoint you. The most affordable model costs $3.499, while a higher-powered version goes for nearly $4.000.
The high price is due to both the cost of producing the Vision Pro, as well as the initial focus of buyers on reaching professionals, such as developers, who will enhance the product with additional applications.
Apple's new Vison Pro features a laminated glass that acts as a display surface for the cameras and sensors on the device. A brand new R1 chip allows the machine to process input from the user's eye and hand movements.
Since Apple has not yet set up full production for the product, the company faces difficulties in manufacturing the large quantity of devices necessary to bring about a mass market and consequently a lower price.
However, it looks like it's the future for both fun and work.
See in the video below what it's like to work with a Vision Pro and decide if it's worth the money.