Bangladesh Bank says it stole a hacker

Serious complaints were made today by the Central Bank of Bangladesh (), according to which hackers breached her account at the US Federal Reserve Bank and stole a large sum of money.

bangladesh banks

The complaints were made by its executives Banks saying employees of the bank noticed that they were missing a large portion of their capital at the US Federal Reserve Bank in New York.

Over 250 foreigners have accounts at the Federal Reserve Bank branch in New York , governments, and large financial institutions, due to the bank's high-end security measures.

Bangladeshi central bank officials refused to report the exact amount they were stolen, but so far they have been able to recover some of them after cooperating with local authorities specializing in money laundering.

However, at the opposite of the news, a Federal Reserve spokesman in a statement to Reuters, refused to recognize the incident, saying that their bank did not find any sign of invasion.

Although the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is considered a model of physics and electronics ς τράπεζας, το συγκεκριμένο υποκατάστημα είχε παλαιότερα παραβιαστεί ηλεκτρονικά το 2012, όταν ο Βρετανός hacker Lauri had managed with SQL injections and ColdFusion vulnerabilities to gain access to some of the bank's data. British authorities finally arrested Love in October 2013. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by Dimitris

Dimitris hates on Mondays .....

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