You definitely know about 2FA you need to quickly enter the authorization code from your phone before it expires. This is what we will try to do below with HTML, JS and CSS.
You can play to see how it works
Difficulty hard | easy
Touch the black box to see the code: 641081
See the code (you can download it as a txt file from the end of the post)
<input type="range" min="100" max="2000" value="1000" id="t9_timeout" style="margin-bottom: 20px;"><span>Difficulty hard | easy </span>
<div class="t9_auth_app">
<p>Αγγίξττε το μαύρο πλαίσιο να δείτε τον κωδικό: <span class="t9_hidden" id="t9_code">641081</span></p>
<progress id="t9_progress" value="24.8" max="100"></progress>
<input id="t9_input" type="text" placeholder="Enter 2FA Code">
.t9_auth_app {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
margin-bottom: 1rem;
border: 5px ridge tomato;
width: fit-content;
padding: 1rem;
align-items: center;
/* justify-content: center; */
/* width: 100%; */
/* height: 100%; */
/* font-family: monospace; */
/* font-size: 10pt; */
.t9_auth_app>h6 {
margin-bottom: 10px;
.t9_auth_app>* {
margin: 2px;
.t9_auth_app>progress {
/* align-self: center; */
/* margin-top: 10px; */
width: 50%;
.t9_hidden {
background-color: black;
.t9_hidden:hover {
background-color: transparent;
// get refs
const t9_code = document.querySelector("#t9_code");
const t9_input = document.querySelector("#t9_input");
const t9_progress = document.querySelector("#t9_progress");
const t9_timeout_slider = document.querySelector("#t9_timeout");
let t9_timeout = t9_timeout_slider.value;
t9_timeout_slider.addEventListener("input", () => {
t9_timeout = t9_timeout_slider.value;
// document.querySelector("#t9_timeout_span").innerText = t9_timeout;
function t9_updateCode() {
t9_code.innerText = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000).toString().padStart(6, "0");
t9_progress.value = 0;
// update progress bar, and make the code update when the progress bar is full
let t9_interval;
t9_interval = setInterval(() => {
t9_progress.value += 100 / t9_timeout;
if (t9_progress.value >= 100) {
}, 1);
// if input is correct alert
t9_input.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
if (e.key == "Enter") {
if (t9_input.value == t9_code.innerText) {
alert("Logged in!");
} else {
alert("Incorrect code");
t9_input.value = "";
// remove focus from input when hovering over code
t9_code.addEventListener("mouseover", () => {
You can also download the code at txt file